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Life Skills Safeguarding
Life Skills Education Safeguarding Children Policy
October 2022
Purpose: This document outlines Life Skills Education Charity (LEC) policy for the safeguarding and protection of children and young people aged under 18 years. This policy provides guidance to all staff who may come across concerns of this nature within the context of their work.
Life Skills Education Charity employ staff who work either directly in schools with young people and/or are in positions of trust, and as such the organisation accepts the responsibility of safeguarding all children and young people. All employees, whatever their role should familiarise themselves with the organisational policies and procedures around safeguarding.
Safeguarding children is a shared responsibility and the organisation seeks to work with all partners in ensuring this responsibility is carried out fully. LEC has appointed an Organisational Safeguarding Lead (OSL) to take responsibility for the overall implementation of this policy.
LEC seeks to ensure that all activities address safeguarding where appropriate – this includes in recruitment, training, working in schools, and handling of personal information (with reference to the Data Protection Acton 2018).
In writing this policy the organisation is mindful of the Government guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022’ and ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, and the responsibilities that these place upon educational establishments, and would seek to support schools in upholding the guidance.
LEC charity seeks to be open and transparent regarding safeguarding and as such will make this policy publicly available.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the documents outlined below* which provide further information on how the organisation carries out its responsibilities.
The organisation operates a safer recruitment procedure. DAaRT Officer applicants will be asked about their safeguarding knowledge and experience both on the application form and during interview and advised that they will be subject to immediate and ongoing enhanced DBS checks for all roles. Where a positive disclosure is made by an applicant, a risk assessment may be undertaken to assess any concerns regarding the applicant’s suitability to undertake their role safely.
DAaRT Officer trainees will learn about LEC policy and procedure during initial training and will be required to undertake further regular training as necessary – this may be a mixture of face-to-face and online training. Training will seek to ensure that those employees who are in direct contact with young people are able to identify indicators of potential abuse and neglect, understand their own and others responsibilities and how and when to act.
Whilst employed by LEC all employees are expected to follow all organisational policies and procedures; any failure may result in disciplinary proceedings being instigated. This applies where there is a safeguarding issue because of an employee’s action or as a result of their inaction, whether wilful or because of negligence. This may also include a capability review. Additionally, the policy may apply where the organisation becomes aware that a family member or an acquaintance of an employee is implicated in, suspected and/or accused of a matter related to abuse of a child or children and where there is evidence that the employee had knowledge of the activity and did nothing.
In the case of any safeguarding complaint made against an employee LEC may work in partnership with other organisations where appropriate in order to resolve the matter.
This policy should be read with reference to the:
Working with schools
The organisation is aware that the subject matter of our educational programmes may induce disclosures or otherwise lead to concerns being expressed, which may well be considered safeguarding matters and will need to be addressed as such.
From the outset, our contact with all schools will be mindful of safeguarding responsibilities. LEC will seek to work in partnership to ensure that any safeguarding issues are shared (as appropriate) and concerns are actioned in a timely manner.
Our goal is always to ensure that children and young people are safeguarded and we would seek to work with schools to ensure that this happens. Where this is not possible, LEC reserve the right to directly refer a concern onto safeguarding services, where this is felt to be appropriate.
Collection, storage and sharing of data
LEC will only collect the amount of personal information which is proportionate the level of any perceived risk and can be used to identify that young person if required. That information will only be shared in order to ensure that a young person is safeguarded and in a timely and secure fashion.
All information will be stored securely and kept for only as long as is required or deemed necessary under Data Protection legislation.
Primary Legislation
The main pieces of legislation and guidance documents:
- The Children Act 1989 (as amended).
- The Children and Social Work Act 2017.
- The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021.
Indirect legislation in this area relevant to the business of LEC:
- GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
- Information Sharing: Advice for Practitioners 2018.
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children in Schools and Colleges (guidance document) 2018.
The lead manager has consulted with the CEO, Senior DAaRT Officers, DAaRT Officers and appropriate professional bodies.
Contact Details
0300 111 3273